Friday, October 10, 2014

A nice job

Hi everyone! Today’s post is about a job I would like to have in the future.
My idea of a good job is to work with people and help them with projects to make their life conditions better, maybe in a hospital or a school or Sename, or any kind of institution that helps people. I imagine my job in the south of Chile, because when I end my career and after working a couple of years in Santiago I want to live in there, I don’t know yet where exactly in the South, but I want to live there.
I don’t know if I prefer an indoors or an outdoors work, I think it depends on what kind of work is it, it sounds attractive anyway to work outdoors but if I want to work in an institution just as I mentioned, is a bit difficult that they have just outdoors works, maybe I will visit places sometimes, but I don’t know.
It would be nice for me to travel a lot. I like the idea of meet different realities and people and learn from people about their problems and conditions of life. That’s why an office job would be very sad for me.

I think I’ll take a major in other university in the south, maybe ConcepciĆ³n o Temuco, with topics relatives to the work I want to have.

Friday, October 3, 2014

General cemetery

Hi everyone! Today’s post is about the General Cemetery of Santiago
This morning I went to the General Cemetery for a work in group with 5 classmates of the university. We are making an ethnographical work about how does people express the popular religiosity in the graves and the memories of their relatives, we are also trying to connect the popular religiosity with the social stratification in the cemetery, and we also want to see how the people keep the memories of the disappeared detainees and the persons executed for political reasons.
The General Cemetery was founded by Bernardo O’Higgins 192 years ago, it was really important in that time because just the Catholic church had cemeteries and the people who were not catholic didn’t had a place to bury their dead. It is placed at Profesor Alberto ZaƱartu Avenue at the commune of Recoleta, in the subway station called Cerro Blanco.
Nowadays the General Cemetery of Santiago is considerate an open museum, an important historical place because there is a lot of important people of the Chilean history who is in there. Today we went, for example, to the grave of Salvador Allende, Violeta Parra, Manuel Rodriguez, and there are other important places like the “Patio 29” and the memorial.

The General Cemetery is a nice place to visit, everyone should know it.